Guess I had better make some coffee before I start this one.......
Ok, I'm back.
Ahh, now that's the good stuff. :)
I'm not really into posting negativity on here as you can tell but, when something that ruffles
Ahh, now that's the good stuff. :)

my feathers a little bit, makes me think twice about the whole situation, and have second opinions about people who comes to mind,
I have to say venting is helpful.
I'm not one to judge people either, I leave that up to God the majority of the time but, we just can't help ourselves at this day-in-age when we're put in situations that make us do this. Knowing deep down inside it's wrong for us to do, we tend to overact, and I'm about to tell you a situation that has made me judge a person and look at her in a different way.
Man, do I have a second opinion alright.
Don't get me wrong, I still like this 30 something year old lady but, I didn't deserve the way she treated me, she's gave me a totally different outlook on the person that she is and she only has herself to blame.
My story starts off by me working and doing what I love best.
Now keep in mind that the people who I'm going to be talking about here, their names are
not going to be posted (do to the fact that it's inconsiderate on my behalf and I'm not wanting to start crap in my work field)
Plus, ya never know if they have a comp now-a-days.
In consideration, I'm going to use the first letters of their names for you so you don't get confused while reading this.
Yesterday, with it being Saturday (one of the busiest days) I was called to the front by my
Supervisor (D) that hired me, to help sack.
Sack=Helping out the cashiers.
When, low and behold, (L) the 30 something year old woman who trained me, and also a whinny person that doesn't like being there the majority of the time, calls over the intercom that she was needing help with some wooden tables at the back of the
I had the cashier I was helping caught up, and (D) told me to go back there and help
(L) and that if she needed "some muscle" (us both knowing she has a screwed up elbow) for me to call (T) (stockman).
Not really wanting to go help her in the first place, because I've already had to butt heads with her, without her realizing, I did what I was told to do.
*mumble, mumble*
I went over to where she was at and before I could ask her if she needed help, she starts shaking her head and saying
"No, no, (laughing) I don't need you over here."
I asked "well, what do you need, (D) or some muscles because (D) told me to call (T) if you did?"
Knowing that when we refer to muscles it's another word for our stockmen, she say's
"nope, I got it now."
While I was over there (T) was called for something and I commented "that alright, I can't call (T) if I wanted to anyhow."
(L) has this advantage to her voice, you see, she can come off sounding as what we would call it these days (a female dog).
This is me being pleasant now afterwords.
As I was walking off going back to my business, which I wanted to do in the first place, I hear her say "what did she say?!?"
First, with me being "told" to go over there.
She shot the messenger. (Me)
Second, she embarrassed not only me, but herself in front of the customers.
Third, I was told that her mouth is what's gets her into trouble most of the time, by quiet a few people.
I'm not looking to make friends here, although, everybody loves me so far and don't get me wrong, I love them back but, I'm here to put in my 10 hours a day and not have to deal with crap like this. I simply don't have time for it and you've seen a taste of what I can do.
Well, I'm not gonna tolerate someone degrading me either, knowing that I didn't want to go over and help her sorry butt (this being pleasant) in the first place, I go and find myself words of encouragement in one of the people that loves me there at work.
We have a few people that make flower arrangements were I work at and I was able to find the words I needed to hear.
In the meantime, (D) comes around the corner and I frankly look him in the eyes and say "I need a word with you."
*Da da dum*
When I told (D) to tell (L) to lay off of me because he was the one who sent me over there in the first place and the whole situation that I had to go through.
He said "he'll take care of it."
Alright, I'm thinking case closed.
Going back to work, guess who decides to get in my face.
Great, panic attack here we come!!
(L) comes over there, while I'm busy, say's and points her finger in my face "if you ever treat me like that again in front
of my customers me and you are gonna have go around."
I lost it.
You can only push me so far and boy if you best watch it.
I said back to her "first of all, I didn't want to go over there, I was told to by (D) to go over and help you. Second, you embarrassed me."
She shoots back saying "no, that I embarrassed myself."
Hmmm, I hope she takes her own advise as good as she can dish it out.
*Sigh* time really goes by fast when I'm working there and so I get ready to take my break.
(J) and (R) work in the flower cubby where they make the flower arrangements and (R) tells me to step inside.
She asks how I'm doing.
I told her I'll be fine as long as (L) doesn't come around me or wants to threaten me again.
She said "what?!?"
I said "yea, (L) had the nerve to come up to me, and poke her finger in my face, plus tell me if I ever,... and we're gonna have a go around."
(J) said "don't you let her run you off."
I told (J) "I don't have time for this crap, if anything I'll be the one who run's her off."
Blah, the end......I hope.
I have to say venting is helpful.
I'm not one to judge people either, I leave that up to God the majority of the time but, we just can't help ourselves at this day-in-age when we're put in situations that make us do this. Knowing deep down inside it's wrong for us to do, we tend to overact, and I'm about to tell you a situation that has made me judge a person and look at her in a different way.
Man, do I have a second opinion alright.
Don't get me wrong, I still like this 30 something year old lady but, I didn't deserve the way she treated me, she's gave me a totally different outlook on the person that she is and she only has herself to blame.

Now keep in mind that the people who I'm going to be talking about here, their names are
not going to be posted (do to the fact that it's inconsiderate on my behalf and I'm not wanting to start crap in my work field)
Plus, ya never know if they have a comp now-a-days.
In consideration, I'm going to use the first letters of their names for you so you don't get confused while reading this.
Yesterday, with it being Saturday (one of the busiest days) I was called to the front by my
Supervisor (D) that hired me, to help sack.
Sack=Helping out the cashiers.
When, low and behold, (L) the 30 something year old woman who trained me, and also a whinny person that doesn't like being there the majority of the time, calls over the intercom that she was needing help with some wooden tables at the back of the
I had the cashier I was helping caught up, and (D) told me to go back there and help
(L) and that if she needed "some muscle" (us both knowing she has a screwed up elbow) for me to call (T) (stockman).
Not really wanting to go help her in the first place, because I've already had to butt heads with her, without her realizing, I did what I was told to do.
*mumble, mumble*

"No, no, (laughing) I don't need you over here."
I asked "well, what do you need, (D) or some muscles because (D) told me to call (T) if you did?"
Knowing that when we refer to muscles it's another word for our stockmen, she say's
"nope, I got it now."
While I was over there (T) was called for something and I commented "that alright, I can't call (T) if I wanted to anyhow."
(L) has this advantage to her voice, you see, she can come off sounding as what we would call it these days (a female dog).
This is me being pleasant now afterwords.
As I was walking off going back to my business, which I wanted to do in the first place, I hear her say "what did she say?!?"

She shot the messenger. (Me)
Second, she embarrassed not only me, but herself in front of the customers.
Third, I was told that her mouth is what's gets her into trouble most of the time, by quiet a few people.
I'm not looking to make friends here, although, everybody loves me so far and don't get me wrong, I love them back but, I'm here to put in my 10 hours a day and not have to deal with crap like this. I simply don't have time for it and you've seen a taste of what I can do.
Well, I'm not gonna tolerate someone degrading me either, knowing that I didn't want to go over and help her sorry butt (this being pleasant) in the first place, I go and find myself words of encouragement in one of the people that loves me there at work.
We have a few people that make flower arrangements were I work at and I was able to find the words I needed to hear.
In the meantime, (D) comes around the corner and I frankly look him in the eyes and say "I need a word with you."
*Da da dum*
When I told (D) to tell (L) to lay off of me because he was the one who sent me over there in the first place and the whole situation that I had to go through.
He said "he'll take care of it."
Alright, I'm thinking case closed.
Going back to work, guess who decides to get in my face.
Great, panic attack here we come!!
(L) comes over there, while I'm busy, say's and points her finger in my face "if you ever treat me like that again in front
of my customers me and you are gonna have go around."
I lost it.
You can only push me so far and boy if you best watch it.
I said back to her "first of all, I didn't want to go over there, I was told to by (D) to go over and help you. Second, you embarrassed me."
She shoots back saying "no, that I embarrassed myself."
Hmmm, I hope she takes her own advise as good as she can dish it out.

(J) and (R) work in the flower cubby where they make the flower arrangements and (R) tells me to step inside.
She asks how I'm doing.
I told her I'll be fine as long as (L) doesn't come around me or wants to threaten me again.
She said "what?!?"
I said "yea, (L) had the nerve to come up to me, and poke her finger in my face, plus tell me if I ever,... and we're gonna have a go around."
(J) said "don't you let her run you off."
I told (J) "I don't have time for this crap, if anything I'll be the one who run's her off."
Blah, the end......I hope.
Well, that about does it for me right now.
Thanks for letting me vent to ya and just so you know,
I'm alright.
There's more things out there in the world to get upset over than something
as small and just plain time consuming such as this.
Yes, life does go on and we just gotta keep our heads up and find pleasant things in it to keep moving forward.
I love this whole blogging thing. I'm really starting to get into it now!!
I hope you guys have a great day and I'm just gonna vegetate around the house today.
That's what Sundays are made for anyways, right?
Until next time, take care of yourselves. :)
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