Friday night, got my earplugs in, sleeping away.
When at 2:30 in tha morning, a clap of thunder startles me out of my slumber!!
We had a storm move through during the night, I take my earplugs out and fall back into my comatose state of mind when all of a sudden..........
6:30, my alarm goes off.
"Aww man, why does time have to go by so fast", I said to myself as I was rushing around getting ready for work.
I've come to the conclusion, that I'm going hav'ta go to bed earlier and set my alarm for 6:00 now.
At work, everything went swell.
The rain's pouring outside, we didn't loose the electricity, and everybody seemed to be in a pleasant mood.
I get to take a break every 2 hours and at the last 4 hours of work the rain stopped and the sun came out.
I don't know if your like me but, I like to see if I can't spot a rainbow after a storm.

My Granny is doing fine, in-case you were wondering.
She's back home and feeling much better.
Come to find out, one of her splints had been giving her problems.
The little bugger worked it's way out and was traveling around in one of her tubes that lead to her kidney.
Here we go again!!
You guys ready?

The $100 bill is the most frequent target of counterfeiters operating outside of the United States, and the changes to the new $100 bill are meant to be "very obvious and visible," according to Larry Felix, the director of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. The new bill has a blue security ribbon that gives a 3-D effect to micro-images that the thousands of lenses will be magnifying. Tilt the note back and forth, and you will see tiny bells on the ribbon change to 100s as they move.
Other changes to the bill: To the left of Franklin's portrait is an inkwell that will change color from copper to green when the note is tilted. The movement will also make a Liberty Bell appear and disappear inside the inkwell.
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Well, that about does it for me today!!
'Til then, have a great Sunday and
take care of yourselves!!
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