Although, you should really treat it like it's Earth Day, every day.
My King and Queen did something for the earth a couple of days ago.
Queen planted a red-bud tree at the end of her flower line that's to the side of the house, while my King mowed the yard.
My King loves mowing the yard, you see, he's got a sense of humor about him that I love. As I was pulling up the driveway from work the other day, he was hunkered down acting like he was racing on his riding lawn mower.
I love it when he mows the yard, we have wild onion that grows out here along the outskirsts, and when he mows over it, we get
the pleasure of smelling the aroma.
Plus it's neat because you also smell the dirt from the road and the cut of grass mixed in as well.
My Queen put some more bird feed out for the birds that we have around here and come to find out, they have a regular that likes the bird seeds as well.
Here's a glimpse of the fella......

So, what are you planning on doing for our world today?
Are ya gonna start recycling?
Are ya gonna plant a tree?
You plan on turning that light off in the kitchen while your reading this?

Mother Nature is watching you.

It's pretty simple.....Do something not only for our world but, also for yourself.
You'll be happy that you did!!
Ok, so you remember how I vented about that little situation that I happen to run into with my associates the other day?
All is well now, and I'm just gonna leave it at that.
I also came across a quote the other day that made a lot of sense to me:
“A wise old owl sat on an oak; The more he saw the less he spoke; The less he spoke the more he heard; Why aren't we like that wise old bird?” ~Anonymous~
Hopefully, this will make some sense to you as well. :)

I know ya wanna know more but, I'm not gonna tell the follow up on the whole situation.
The main reason, it would be inconsiderate of me to do so.
Second, I believe in this thing called karma.

I was given a fortune cookie yesterday by one of the many people that love me there at work. She's also a friend of mine as well and here's what it said:
Time is natures way of keeping everything from happening all at once.
I think that this fits perfect with what I've already told you. :)
Oh, I gotta lunch date with a friend of mine that I hadn't been able to actually catch up with in the last 10 years.
We went to school together and are able to
pass each other once in a great while. We get the chance to say "Hi, how are ya" but, that's about it.
I invited her and her little shadow, this is what she calls her son, to join me for lunch today. :)
She's looking forward to it as much as I am. :)
Well, that about does it for today.
Sorry that I hadn't been here in a few days but, hey, what do expect from a gal that's working
10 hours days, 4 days a week?
In the meantime, take care of yourself and have a wonderful day!!!
As always, thanks for stopping by to check up on me. :)
I love your fishies at the bottom!! :) and you are getting better and better at this blog thang. xoxox
Aww, you are too kind my Queen. xoxoxox
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