And to think that I know my King feels like a zombie right now, putting in extra hours of
ruling, I hope that he doesn't transform into one of these guys.
Although, I gotta say, some of the women look alright for being one. :-P

She knows your human.....

You can tell he really wanted his picture took....

He's just now figuring it out.....

Can somebody give this woman a manicure, please.......

My Brother's wedding is coming up. Today marks the 9th day till he turns himself into
No, no......he's gonna be a husband to a very lovely girl that is not only smart but,
very down to earth, has a good future ahead of her, and I'm glad to say that she's a keeper.
I've only met her a handful of times, and from what I can tell, my Brother and her make
not only a good looking couple but, a fantastic duo as well.
Now, I can sit here and go on and on about these two but, I'll just sum it up in a few kind words....
They're happy together, their happy apart, they love each other, and have heard
one another fart.
I know they have.
I'm proud of my Brother and the all the accomplishment that he's done in his life.
And to go on typing about the achievements and blessings that he's done throughout the years, will it not only pull at my heart strings but, will also turn on the faucets until I'll literally have to stand up and grab the roll of toilet paper (due to sinus and chest congestion).
I'm so happy for him that when I get opportunities to see him, I have to restrain myself from showing emotions that seem too flaky to either one of us.
For instance: jumping on him and giving him a noogy.
He's also taller than me and built stout so you can just imagine a spider-monkey jumping on top of a silver-back gorilla.
Instead, we just give each other a hug like these two........
Well, that about sums it up for what's going on in my little world.
I hope that everything's going alright in yours.
I gotta get ready for today. Wonder what's in store.
A nap most definitely but, I think I'll jump in shower first and eat a poptart.
Till then, take care of yourselves and have a wonderful day!! :-)
And to think that I know my King feels like a zombie right now, putting in extra hours of
ruling, I hope that he doesn't transform into one of these guys.
Although, I gotta say, some of the women look alright for being one. :-P

She knows your human.....

You can tell he really wanted his picture took....

He's just now figuring it out.....

Can somebody give this woman a manicure, please.......

My Brother's wedding is coming up. Today marks the 9th day till he turns himself into
No, no......he's gonna be a husband to a very lovely girl that is not only smart but,
very down to earth, has a good future ahead of her, and I'm glad to say that she's a keeper.
I've only met her a handful of times, and from what I can tell, my Brother and her make
not only a good looking couple but, a fantastic duo as well.
Now, I can sit here and go on and on about these two but, I'll just sum it up in a few kind words....
They're happy together, their happy apart, they love each other, and have heard
one another fart.
I know they have.
I'm proud of my Brother and the all the accomplishment that he's done in his life.
And to go on typing about the achievements and blessings that he's done throughout the years, will it not only pull at my heart strings but, will also turn on the faucets until I'll literally have to stand up and grab the roll of toilet paper (due to sinus and chest congestion).
I'm so happy for him that when I get opportunities to see him, I have to restrain myself from showing emotions that seem too flaky to either one of us.
For instance: jumping on him and giving him a noogy.
He's also taller than me and built stout so you can just imagine a spider-monkey jumping on top of a silver-back gorilla.
Instead, we just give each other a hug like these two........
Well, that about sums it up for what's going on in my little world.
I hope that everything's going alright in yours.
I gotta get ready for today. Wonder what's in store.
A nap most definitely but, I think I'll jump in shower first and eat a poptart.
Till then, take care of yourselves and have a wonderful day!! :-)
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