We'll try this background for a little bit and see how it goes.
Hello, Good Morning!!!
*may not be suitable for some*
Did-cha miss me??
I really hadn't been keeping up with this like some of you would like me too but, give me a few
days or weeks and I'll come back around.
Been a little busy body here for the last few weeks and I honestly hadn't made the time to
sit and and type a few lines.
I hope that everyone had a wonderful Independence day.
Me, the King, and Queen did:-)
Even tho we didn't celebrate on the 4th like everyone else did, we did get to celebrate.
Here's a few pic's.......

My favorite color smoke bomb!!!

Hamburgers on tha grill!!

Yeller smoke bomb!!

Few cheeseburgers!!!

Hello, Good Morning!!!
*may not be suitable for some*
Did-cha miss me??
I really hadn't been keeping up with this like some of you would like me too but, give me a few
days or weeks and I'll come back around.
Been a little busy body here for the last few weeks and I honestly hadn't made the time to
sit and and type a few lines.
I hope that everyone had a wonderful Independence day.
Me, the King, and Queen did:-)
Even tho we didn't celebrate on the 4th like everyone else did, we did get to celebrate.
Here's a few pic's.......

My favorite color smoke bomb!!!

Hamburgers on tha grill!!

Yeller smoke bomb!!

Few cheeseburgers!!!

This one was really pretty:-)
A Golden Fountain!!!

And guess what?
I still got 10 artillery shells left (we really like 'em), a couple of fountains, smoke bombs (fights of mosquitoes), and sparklers!!!
I'ma gonna save 'em fo my birthday:-)
Probably freak out the neighbors and their dogs.:-P
*suitable for all*
And no, I won't worry about freakin them out when I go to set them off either.
Now, seeing as to how it's cloudy, (once again, on my day off) I guess I can rummage around here
and come up with a thing or two that makes us go hmmmm......
*suitable for all*
Do you believe in ghosts???
Legend has it Lincoln saw his fate before he was assassinated. He reported a dream to his cabinet in which he wandered into a funeral at the white house, and when he inquired of one of the mourners who had died, the man responded “The President… he was killed by an assassin.”
Lincoln’s ghost has been spotted by many visitors and residents of the white house, among them First Lady Grace Coolidge, Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands, and even Winston Churchill, who of course had something clever to say on the occasion. He claimed to be fresh from the bath, in the nude (what an image!) walking into the bedroom when he saw Lincoln standing near the fireplace. He quipped “Good evening, Mr. President. You seem to have me at a disadvantage.”, after which Lincoln smiled softly and disappeared.

Legend has it Chloe was a slave in the house of the Myrtles Plantation in St. Francisville, Louisiana who had a bad habit of listening at keyholes to the goings on of the residents. Caught one day in the act by the Master of the house, he lopped off her ear as punishment, forcing her to wear a green scarf over her head to cover the wound. As punishment, she baked a cake with oleander leaves, a common plant in the south that is immensely poisonous. Though the master of the house was her target, her victims became his wife and two daughters, who died in agony a couple days after eating the cake. Chloe fled the house and was lynched by field slaves on the plantation for the wicked light she cast on the rest of them.
Fortunately or no, there is no historical evidence to back up this story, just an intriguing photo. True or not (probably not), there are certainly plenty of other ghosts to keep you company, including a young girl frequently spotted in a mirror on the stairs, and another young girl who chants voodoo over people who dare to sleep in her room. The Myrtles is currently a Bed and Breakfast
that gives regular tours to those curious enough to want to see the house- just not alone after dark.


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