Do you remember the 80's commercial for Lite Bright?
If not, here it is......
Now, that you've watched that video check out what Kevin Rudolf did with his
Lite Bright over the years. He had a little help with Flo Rida.......
Well, seems like I can't update this thing as much as I'd like to but, hey,
at least y'all know that I'm staying busy with myself:-)
Work is starting to pick up with customers and merchandise.
Tis' the season!!!
Speaking of the season, I gotta work the day after Thanksgiving.
I was told that I'd probably won't like it.
Little does the person that told me this know, that I've been through it a few times.
I'll treat it just like it's any other day and let the crazy people have at it. :-)
Somebody has to keep composer around where I work at and I'm just the type
of person that can handle that.
Well, at least I like to think so.
Happy Veterans Day!!!
Thank you to all who have served and are currently serving our great country!!!
Make sure you spread the love today to all the
wonderful, brave service men and women who've fought
and are still fighting for our country!!!
God Bless you all and your families!!
Bonfires are just one of my favorites this time of the year!!!
Looks like I'm getting a chance to sit around one
with a couple of friends after Thanksgiving:-)

Do you see a face in this one??

Well folks, that about does it for this update.
Gotta get ready to watch my episodes for the night.
Until then, take care of yourselves and thanks for stopping by!!! :-)
If not, here it is......
Now, that you've watched that video check out what Kevin Rudolf did with his
Lite Bright over the years. He had a little help with Flo Rida.......
Well, seems like I can't update this thing as much as I'd like to but, hey,
at least y'all know that I'm staying busy with myself:-)
Work is starting to pick up with customers and merchandise.
Tis' the season!!!
Speaking of the season, I gotta work the day after Thanksgiving.
I was told that I'd probably won't like it.
Little does the person that told me this know, that I've been through it a few times.
I'll treat it just like it's any other day and let the crazy people have at it. :-)
Somebody has to keep composer around where I work at and I'm just the type
of person that can handle that.
Well, at least I like to think so.
Happy Veterans Day!!!
Thank you to all who have served and are currently serving our great country!!!
Make sure you spread the love today to all the
wonderful, brave service men and women who've fought
and are still fighting for our country!!!
God Bless you all and your families!!
Bonfires are just one of my favorites this time of the year!!!
Looks like I'm getting a chance to sit around one
with a couple of friends after Thanksgiving:-)

Do you see a face in this one??

Well folks, that about does it for this update.
Gotta get ready to watch my episodes for the night.
Until then, take care of yourselves and thanks for stopping by!!! :-)