Sunday, April 24, 2011


I know, I know.
"Where you been? We've been worried sick about-cha!!"
No need to worry. I'm still around:-)

Been keeping myself busy here lately
with work, video games, (I'll give ya a preview on those later on)
and surviving the tornado season.

Take a minute to look how close this guy comes
to not being ok.........

You'd think one would have gobs to say when missing
for a few months at a time but, to tell you the truth folks, I really
ain't got a whole heck of a lot to tell ya.......

The rain is aggravating, days seem shorter than the nights, and
I seem to find myself wanting more sunny days and
nicer temperatures.

I have a few family and friends that have the
time to go fishing and every time I start to plan on going either,
I've got to work in a huge metal warehouse with no windows.
Or......... it mysteriously rains on the days I have off from work.

Now, don't get me wrong, I love my family and friends dearly but,
when I come home and log on to Facebook (more like Faceslap, and you'll see why)
What do they do?
You've got it!!
They post their catch of the day to show all what I'm missing out on!!!

I'm about to Faceblock these Bassturds......

It's May!?!?
Can't believe we're 5months into the year already.
Before we know it July will be here and we'll be
moanin' and groanin' because it's too dang hot
to "go fishing" but, isn't it that the way it usually goes?

Mother's Day is next Sunday!!!
The United States celebrates Mother's Day on the second Sunday in May.
In the 1880s and 1890s there were several attempts to establish a Mother's Day,
but they didn't succeed beyond the local level.

The holiday was created by Anna Jarvis in Grafton, West Virginia,
in 1908 as a day to honor one's mother.
Jarvis wanted to accomplish her mother's dream of making
a celebration for all mothers, although the idea didn't take
off until she enlisted the services of wealthy
Philadelphia merchant John Wanamaker.

She kept promoting the holiday until President Woodrow Wilson
made it an official national holiday in 1914.
The holiday eventually became so highly commercialized that many,
including its founder, Anna Jarvis,
considered it a "Hallmark Holiday", i.e. one with an overwhelming commercial purpose.

Jarvis eventually ended up opposing the holiday she had helped to create.
She died in 1948, regretting what had become of her holiday.
In the United States, Mother's Day remains one of the biggest days
for sales of flowers, greeting cards, and the like; it is also the
biggest holiday for long-distance telephone calls.

Don't worry Dad!!
I didn't forget about you!!
(I'll post a video next month for ya)

So, as I sit here and listen to more rain fall from the sky,
I think to myself, isn't about time for a nap??

Yep, it is for me:-)
I know you guys want to hear more
and I'll catch up on this thing in the near future but,
it takes work and dedication to be a Princess.

Be kind to one another and take care of yourselves!!
Thanks for checking in:-)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

I'm still kickin'!!!!......

Almost a whole month has gone by since I've last posted!!!!
Here, I'll try and catch you up on the things that have happened.

I guess I'll start back to Thanksgiving Day.
Let's see, what did I do on Thanksgiving??
We had Thanksgiving over here at the castle with
my Brother, Sister-in-law, and Grandma!!
Yummy turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, and all the
fixings that you can only imagine:-)

I didn't get a chance to go to the bonfire the day after
because a change a plans happened.
All was good because in the month of December, I was able to
actually be near one due to the fact the my King wanted to
burn some stuff up.:-)

Still jumping a little ahead of myself,
I'll back up to around the end of
I was able to go over to my neighbor's house
(whom is also a dear friend)
and see that she had already decorated
her house for the Christmas festivities.
She started before Thanksgiving due to the love she has
for the holiday season.
She had two trees put up and I noticed that the she put a top hat on the
top of her tree that sits in the living room.

Now, I thought that that was pretty cool so when I had a chance
to set up the tree in my chambers, I put my fedora hat on top it.

Sitting over there at my friends house, a couple of other friends
were over there too. We talked about this that and the other and played Guitar Hero.
When asked what I had planned on doing for the holiday season,
I simply stated that it was "crunch time" for me and needed to
start on the Christmas shopping and attend to the family get togetherness's.
All shook their heads in agreement and knew what I meant.

The month of December flew by so quickly that I was flying by the seat
of my pants!!!!

I started off the first week by getting my
Christmas shopping done in 2 days.
Being lucky enough to have the majority of items that I've put back over
the coarse of months while working
for the warehouse, I loaded up the cart, grabbed a
few rolls of wrapping paper, tape, Christmas bags, wheeled
it to the front, paid, and bagged it myself.
Of course I went to Wally World for a few gifts too!!!

The weekend rolled around and
we had a family get together in Oklahoma and played Dirty Santa.
It went pretty well.
Nobody had to go home with black eyes, busted lips, or bloody noses.

During the weeks (meaning two before Christmas week) I spent the
majority of the time doing the WW Dance.
Wrapping and Working.
I knew that I wanted to get the wrapping done by the week of
Christmas so I could just sit back, relax, and enjoy.
And I did:-)

During the weeks of the WW Dance, I was blessed with warm wishes of Christmas.
My Boss from gave me a Christmas Bonus, random messages were sent
from friends to my phone, and I had 2 four day weekends
to attend to.

My King had his Birthday on the 19th and was
blessed with wishes and gifts.

Christmas Eve we (Queen, King, Brother, Sister-in-law, and myself) went
and did Christmas over at Granny's house.
Even my Aunts and Uncles attended!!!
After the festivities, we headed on our way
back to the castle where we waited for my Brother and
Sister-in-law to do our midnight Christmas.
Only it didn't happen till 1 am, we decided that we
needed to start doing this a little bit earlier come Christmas Day.

Christmas Day went well for the most part.
Despite the lack of sleep we had.
I was happy to be around family and stay out of everyone's way.
I think I did well.

Me and my King started off Christmas Day
with only a few hours of sleep.
We had to deep-fry the turkey and ham.
As we were deep-frying the ham, (which only takes a few minutes)
we had a surprise visit
from Mother Nature and God.
(So I believe)

First, we got to see a shower of snow flurries while at work.
I was the official lid remover and my King was the hook and crane.
As we were standing on the back porch, a sound came from
the woods that sits behind our castle.
It sounded like thunder coming near to where we were standing.
It scared us both so much that neither of us were able to move from our spots.
We waited to see what happened in hopes that we wouldn't get attacked.

In the seconds that passed us, which seemed like minutes, a haaaugggeee
flock of black birds (Grackles ?) came shooting out of their roosting trees.
There had to be at least 4 to 5ooo of these winged creatures!!!

As they were taking off in mid flight, the sound of their wings sounded like
another thunderous roar.
(My King said it sounded like their afterburners kicked in)

It was totally neat and left us in a state of awe.
Me and my King vowed to never forget what happened
on our Christmas morning of 2010.

This is a picture of what it looked like......

And so, that pretty much sums it up for
what my Christmas Season was like.
Family, Friends, Food, and Fun!!!

As the New Year's Day rolled around, I didn't really do
anything. Watched a movie, talked to my neighbor who was
wondering if I was still alive, and went to bed at my usual time.
I had to work the following day and I was in no mood to work with
a hangover headache or lack of sleep.
All went well.
And come to find out, that if anybody has the familiar smell of alcohol on their breath
where I work at, my Boss will send you home and you will be
MIA for at least a week.
(No, this did not happen to me but it did happen to one of the coworkers)

Ok, Ok, I hear you about the Christmas video.
That's right folks!!!
I made a Christmas video only because I had taken gobs of pictures over the
month of December and my King actually wanted me make one.
His words were
"why don't you make a video? It'll be more interesting for me
to go through your photo's besides having to click on the next button to look
through them all."

So, with the expertise of my King and what to do's, I made one:-)
It's the first video I've ever made with the pictures I've captured throughout
the month of December
and a couple from my family members that they've posted on Facebook.
I gotta say, for being a
beginner, it turned out pretty well.

And with that being said, I'm gonna close this post in
hopes that you'll enjoy my video along with help
of Third Day's song Christmas like a Child.

Enjoy and until next time, take care of yourselves, and thanks for
stopping by:-)