A miracle is an unexpected event attributed to divine intervention.
Sometimes an event is also attributed (in part) to a miracle worker, saint, or religious leader.
A miracle is sometimes thought of as a perceptible interruption of the laws of nature.
Others suggest that God may work with the laws of nature to perform what people perceive as miracles. Theologians say that, with divine providence, God regularly works through created nature yet is free to work without, above, or against it as well.
A miracle is often considered a fortuitous event: compare with an Act of God.
In casual usage, "miracle" may also refer to any statistically unlikely but beneficial event, (such as surviving a natural disaster), or simply a "wonderful" occurrence, regardless of likelihood, such as a birth.
Other miracles might be: survival of a terminal illness, escaping a life threatening situation or 'beating the odds.'
Some coincidences are perceived to be miracles.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month -
it is the month when people become more educated about the signs of breast cancer, its symptoms, and how to help prevent it.
Out of every seven women, one will develop breast cancer at some time during her lifetime (USA), compared to just one in twenty during the 1960s.
Holly Ford, of the Susan G. Komen Foundation, is asking people to wear pink as a sign of support for breast cancer awareness. She says that by wearing pink you will help create awareness.

It's been 5 weeks since I last posted on this thing and I gotta tell ya
that time does really fly when your not lookin'.
So, I guess I'll sit here and catch y'all up on the invents that have happened.
First, my carriage ride has been fixed. Come to find out that it was the Cadillatic converter
that bit the dust. Oh, and I've managed to to put a new tail on one of the horses.
I've been able to go to a few of the home football games and reconnect with a few familiar
faces while attending that I've not seen in quite a few years.
While at the football games I've noticed that the metal bleachers have gotten colder and
I'm not able to yell like I use to in my younger years without having to pay for it
the next three days.
I really have a nice time seeing the boys play and give them the shout outs that they deserve.
Here's a picture of the field I took at the first home game......

Second, I was able to attend Winfest this year with quite a few friends that yet again,
haven't seen in a few years.
Winfest is a benefit that is held every year in the month of October.
All the proceeds go to the surrounding area to help families that are in need.
I remember going a few years back and it was not what I expected it to be.
I was kinda leery of going this year but, with help of a couple of people that helped set it up
this year they told me it has calmed down quite a bit due to it's "family orientated" atmosphere.
I found it rather relaxing hanging outside with good friends and good people all around.
Here's a picture of the stage and one of the bands......

The first day of Fall came upon me while away from this blog.
The leaves are just now starting to turn.
We've really had a bit of dry summer though and it's really kinda hard to make heads or tails
of which trees have died and which are still alive.

Hopefully, by Halloween we'll start to see a bit of a difference.
Third, I was able to join the Family Reunion this year!!!

You see that red truck?
There was a moment when another concrete barrier was on the other side too and here
I am sittin in the back seat, watching this truck, wondering if I was going to see the truck
sway this way or that and watch some sparks fly off the barriers.

I did so well though, not even once did I say "are we there yet" or "I gotta go to the bathroom".
When we got there the tables was being set with a great feast.

There was an auction held too!!!
This is a quilt that my Great Granny made for the auction.

Here's a 1943 picture of the Family Reunion that was put on auction too.

The ride back home was tiring but, when you spend time with family, it's all worth it.

We all had such a good time together that we're planning on getting back together
in December!!
This is why we had the auction so we can rent the room again.

Speaking of December, I've realized that I'll be having a 3 day weekend and a 4 day weekend off
from work.
I'm one happy girl!!!
This about sums it up for the last few weeks and I plan on doing a few more things before
I hop back on here.
Like dressing up for Halloween and doing Christmas Shopping.
I'll try not to wait so long to post anything but, when I get the ball rollin on certain things,
I tend to forget about taking time to sit down and type it all out.
I hope that all is well with you in your neck of the woods and I thank ya
for stopping by. :-)